COVID Policy
We offer hybrid services: onsite and livestreamed online.
For onsite:
At our community meetings, we discussed best protocols to indicate how we would like to be greeted at onsite services. We decided on a sticker system. When you enter the building, there will be 3 colors of stickers:
Blue: Ready to hug!
Yellow: Elbow bump at most for me! Want to talk with 6 feet social distancing!
Red: Staying at a distance! Not yet ready for the interacting thing.
When you enter the building you can choose to wear a green, yellow, or red sticker to indicate comfort level with interacting. Masking is now optional. For those exposed or with symptoms, we ask that you take a rapid test the morning of the Sunday you wish to attend. Rapid tests available onsite.
For Livestreaming:
Our Celebration Service at 10:30 am will be livestreamed from our Sanctuary. You can view this livestream on our Facebook page here, our YouTube channel here, or on our website here. Our Meditation Service at 10 am is hybrid: onsite it is held in the Library and you can join in online with our Zoom link here. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Click on the picture to download our full COVID-19 policy as of 10/1/22.