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The Spiraling Path:
Metaphysical Lent
March 2 - April 16, 2022

Read Mandy's inspiring reflection on this topic by clicking on the button below. It is a perfect example of reflecting on the spiraling nature of spirituality.

Featuring Jane Wade's Reflection

Featuring Heidi Brantzeg's Reflection

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Featuring Gerry Burnett's Reflection

Featuring Monica McDowell's Reflection

Featuring Susan Murray's Reflection

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Featuring rita Schwarting's Reflections

Featuring Lisa Singer's Reflections

Featuring Lisa Singer's Reflections

Featuring Carol Reich's Reflections

Featuring Arlene Joy Christiansen's Reflections

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Life and lessons circle around in a spiraling path, inward and outward, contracting and expanding, ultimately creating greater consciousness and greater blessing.

Reflect on spiraling lessons in life:

How we revisit the same spiritual teachings and life lessons from different vantage points, from more expansive places, from greater awareness, or deeper understanding as we cycle through life. Contemplate life spiraling as a labyrinth, a mandala, or a Native American medicine wheel.

And/or reflect on spiraling lessons in in nature, such as the
The Fibonacci Sequence or
The Golden Ratio
A Nautilus Shell

What is your creative outlet or passion? Write a reflection, a poem, or short story. Compose and/or sing a song. Create a painting, drawing, sculpture, or video short. Take a photograph, make a floral design, or do some fabric art, or whatever creative endeavor you are inspired to do that reflects on our theme: Metaphysical Lent: The Spiraling Path.

Submit it in an electronically sharable format, such as a document, a photo, or video. We’ll share these with our Unity of Bellevue community during Lent in some format electronically in our newsletter, on social media, and/or on Sunday mornings in March and into April, so add your copyright to whatever you submit, and we will include copyrights in our sharing. Multiple submissions from one person are welcome!
Questions? Contact Mandy Wes or Monica McDowell Elvig
Submissions: Email Mandy Wes
Deadline: Thursday, Mar 31st by 9 am

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